These guides are not written by lawyers, nor should they be interpreted as legal advice. They are based on the personal experiences of many members of the Alabama trans community.


A lawyer is generally not required when updating your documentation.

  • If you are having trouble with this process, we recommend Maynard Cooper.

Changing your name

The process for changing your name varies by county. The goal is to get a court order establishing a change of name.

  • Specific info is currently provided for Madison, Limestone, and Morgan counties.

Madison County

A community member has created an excellent guide for changing your name in Madison County.

  • This guide was originally created for Madison County, but the process is usually similar for other counties.

You'll need to fill out the appropriate paperwork (and paperwork required for each form).

After a few weeks (around 6 as of January 2025), the court order should be mailed to you.

  • You may also need to specifically ask them to return your birth certificate.

Limestone County

You need to fill out a name change form and schedule a hearing with the county probate judge in Athens.

  • The county probate judge can be contacted at 256-233-6427.
  • The clerk will inform you of any paperwork required for your hearing.

At the scheduled hearing, the probate judge will review your documents and you'll need to swear and affirm to a few things.

  • The office staff and judge are very friendly, so don't be intimidated!
  • This process should typically only take about a week to get scheduled.
  • Once completed, you'll get 3 copies of your court ordered name change.

Morgan County

Morgan County has specific guidelines. An applicable guide for Morgan County is located here.

Other counties

If you're having trouble locating your county's name change forms, try to locate your probate court’s website.

  • If you're having trouble, try to search for "<county> county probate court name change".
  • A statewide form is available, but you should make sure your county doesn’t have their own form first.
  • In some counties, you may need to schedule a hearing before the probate judge to complete the name change.
  • Check your local probate court office’s website or give them a phone call for further details.

Once the name change is complete, you’ll end up with certified copies of the completed name change court order.

  • They’ll have a seal on them from the probate court.
  • Keep these someplace safe! You will need them.

After the court order

Once you have a court order for your name change, the first place to visit is Social Security.

When you update your name with Social Security, they will give you a letter indicating that you requested changes.

  • This letter is important, so be sure to keep it someplace safe.

24 hours after updating with Social Security, you can update your driver's license.

  • Most DMVs should be able to change your name.
  • Be sure to bring your letter from Social Security in addition to your original court order.
  • You should also update your voter registration information and car registration/title if applicable.

Once you've got a new ID, you can start elsewhere. Some important places:

  • Your employer's HR department
  • Bank and credit card companies
  • Your car insurance company
  • Your health insurance company
  • Your school or university
  • Doctors and/or medical providers
  • And many more (it's amazing how many people know your name).

Updating your gender marker

Currently, having an updated birth certificate is the quickest way to change your gender marker on other legal documents.

  • If you're at least on hormones and can get a letter from a doctor or other provider, this process may be possible.
  • Alabama does not offer a nonbinary or third gender identification option.

Birth Certificate

You must obtain a letter of transition from a medical provider to update the gender on your birth certificate.

If you have an Alabama birth certificate, a guide is provided by ALTRAC to update it without a lawyer.

  • This has been proven to work in Madison County, and could potentially work in other counties.

Morgan County will not process birth certificate changes.

  • If you know of any other counties that claim to not have jurisdiction, please notify ALTRAC at

If you were born outside Alabama, refer to the specific guide for your state.

ID/Driver's License

ALEA will update the gender marker on an Alabama ID when presented with an amended birth certificate.

Once you have a certified copy of your amended birth certificate, bring one with you to an ALEA office.

If you've had "full" bottom surgery (excluding orchiectomy, etc), there is a shorter path to changing the gender marker on your ID.

  • Based on current ALEA policy, letters regarding other gender-affirming surgeries will not be enough.
  • The letter will need to be from the surgeon and state that they "performed and completed gender reassignment surgery".


As of January 2025, the ACLU is recommending that people not attempt to update gender markers on their passports.

Social Security

Similar to passports, it is not a good idea as of January 2025 to attempt to update one's gender marker with Social Security.